A socially responsible business model for helping children in need and promoting sustainability

Juanca Sznak shares a business model that aims to make a difference by helping children in need and promoting sustainability and social impact.

00:00:02 Discovering the cold inspired Juanca Sznak and his brothers to create a brand that helps people consume responsibly while improving the lives of children affected by freezing temperatures in Peru.

🔑 Using business force to be agents of change

❄️ Discovering the impact of cold on vulnerable children

🌡️ Addressing the needs of children in cold climates

00:02:28 A model to make a difference | Juanca Sznak | TEDxTukuy: Juanca shares his inspiration from TOMS, a brand that donates a pair of shoes for every pair sold, and how it led him to start a clothing brand that donates a garment to a child in need for every purchase.

The speaker was inspired by the TOMS business model, which involved donating a pair of shoes for every pair sold.

They decided to create a clothing brand that would donate a garment to a child in need for every item sold.

The speaker feels fortunate for the opportunities they've had in life and wanted to give back to those who haven't had the same advantages.

00:04:55 Juanca Sznak shares a business model that aims to make a difference by helping children in need. By starting a company, they provide employment and encourage conscious consumerism, all while creating functional and affordable jackets for disadvantaged communities.

🌟 Creating opportunities for underprivileged children is a just and important goal.

💡 Starting a scalable business can generate employment and promote positive consumption habits.

❄️ Designing a functional and durable jacket for children in cold areas.

00:07:23 A business model to make a difference. Providing warm jackets to children in the Andes. Overcoming challenges and spreading warmth and hope.

🧥 The goal is to provide warm jackets to children in need while respecting their cultural clothing.

💰 They secured a personal loan to fund the project and used part of the money to help 300 children in remote communities.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The jackets were designed with a brand concept focused on spreading warmth and highlighting the importance of human connection.

📈 Initially, sales were made through word-of-mouth, but with the help of a partner and initial funding, they were able to expand.

00:09:47 Juanca Sznak shares the challenges of starting a socially responsible fashion brand and the importance of considering the environmental impact.

The speaker and their team faced challenges in designing and manufacturing their clothing collection.

🌍 A documentary brought awareness of the environmental impact of the textile industry.

💡 The team decided to prioritize social responsibility over profit by not compromising the well-being of children.

00:12:13 A business model that promotes sustainability and social impact, using certified materials, recycled fabrics, and supporting incarcerated individuals. Also, for each product sold, a tree is planted.

📝 In 2016, we obtained a certification as a purpose-driven company that aims to redefine the economy by balancing the needs of people, the planet, and profits.

🌱 We started including sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled plastic in our products to benefit both the environment and people's health.

🧥 We made the decision to manufacture all our jackets in a prison, providing meaningful work opportunities for inmates and supporting vulnerable communities.

00:14:38 A business model that helps communities plant trees for sustainable and certified timber, creating additional income and promoting responsible consumption.

🌳 The speaker discusses a business model that helps communities plant native trees for sustainable and certified wood.

🌍 The speaker shares their achievements in opening educational opportunities, planting trees, recycling plastic bottles, and providing clean water.

💼 The speaker emphasizes the use of entrepreneurial force to create real change and promote responsible consumption.

Summary of a video "Un modelo de negocio para ser agentes de cambio | Juanca Sznak | TEDxTukuy" by TEDx Talks on YouTube.

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