📚 The 15th Annual MALT Colloquium on Language Teaching is being held virtually this year, but the organizers are excited to return to the traditional in-person event next year.
🔍 Dr. Florencia Henscher, the keynote speaker, has a background in second language acquisition and teacher education, and has published and presented extensively on language teaching.
📖 Her presentation focuses on separating facts from fads in language teaching, addressing contradictions, clearing confusion, challenging conformity, and championing change based on research.
🔍 Being research informed means being aware of what research shows, what it has not shown, and what it may not be able to show.
🤔 Educators often face confusion and uncertainty when presented with contradictory research findings in language teaching methods.
💡 Language teacher education should focus on common ground and agreed-upon principles to make informed decisions.
🎯 The traditional approach of listening and repeating is not effective in language acquisition.
⚖️ There is a risk of focusing too much on output and not enough on input in language learning.
💡 Teaching grammar rules or letting learners discover the rules may not result in accurate language use.
🔄 Mechanical drills may be beneficial for test performance, but not for language acquisition or communication.
❗️ Conformity in language teaching happens when we blindly follow others without questioning the reasons behind it.
⚡️ It is important to question and challenge teaching labels and practices to have a deeper understanding of their merits and shortcomings.
💬 Instead of rushing to judge or give advice without context, teachers should engage in dialogue and interrogate their own practices.
Clarity and clear goals are important for both teachers and students.
Teachers should avoid sending mixed messages to students and provide realistic expectations.
The role of language educators is to provide purpose for communication and not control language use or access.
To bring about change, start with assessment, start small, involve others, and focus on common ground.
🗣️ Teachers should create more interactive sessions and panels of experts to address questions and share resources.
📚 Change in language teaching and professional development happens gradually and requires acceptance of different contexts.
🔍 Using Google Translate does not contribute to language acquisition, but controlling access to language can hinder learning.
📝 There is no specific formula for the amount of input required before expecting students to produce output in language learning.
💬 Communicative classrooms can use integrated performance assessments to evaluate students' communicative abilities.
📚 The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on communication and understanding of a message in language teaching.
🤝 Multiple methods of teaching within a level and program are seen as the norm, with each instructor having their own approach based on fundamental principles.
🔍 The speaker highlights the need for activities that compel students to seek meaning and communicate with purpose, rather than just practicing language forms.
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