Exploring the Geology of the Neuquén Basin - Campo Course Module 3

This video explores the geological features and formations of the Neuquén Basin in Module 3 of the Campo virtual immersive course.

00:00:03 Module 3 of the virtual immersive Campo course explores the unique triangular shape of the Neuquén Basin and its geological features, which include fault lines and uplifted structures. These characteristics have important implications for petroleum exploration in the region.

The Neuquén Basin has a distinctive triangular shape and is located within Argentina, extending into the Alto Valle de Río Negro.

The basin's orientation and geometry differ from other Andean basins, with a main axis of deformation similar to rias.

The stratigraphy of the Neuquén Basin includes a 7-kilometer sedimentary column starting on an igneous-metamorphic basement, influenced by the movements of the Patagonian massif.

00:05:33 Virtual immersive course on Field - Module 3. This module focuses on the different types of rocks in the basin and their formation through volcanic activity and faulting.

The video discusses the different types of rocks found in the basin.

There is a volcanic activity in the western and eastern margins of the basin.

The basin undergoes a marine transgression during its evolution.

00:11:01 Module 3 of the virtual immersive field course explores the sedimentary deposits in the basin, including transgressive formations, turbidites, and deltaic sandy systems. It also discusses the different formations and groups found in the basin.

🔑 The video discusses the geological formations and sedimentary deposits in the Cuenca region.

🌊 The Cuenca experienced a transgression event, leading to the formation of marine deposits followed by continental deposits.

⛰️ The second group of sedimentary deposits in the Cuenca is characterized by the presence of gypsum and the potential for continentalization.

00:16:27 This YouTube video is about the immersive virtual course of Campo - Module 3. It discusses the geological transformations of the Neuquén Basin during the Jurassic period and highlights the formation of Vaca Muerta, a significant unit within the basin.

The video discusses the geological history of the Neuquén Basin during the Jurassic period.

During the early and middle Jurassic, the basin was flooded, leading to the formation of the Lajas and Lotena groups.

In the late Jurassic, the basin underwent a transformation into a continental basin with various interesting deposits.

00:21:55 This video discusses the Campo virtual immersive course, specifically Module 3. It explores the Vaca Muerta system and its characteristics, including tectonic features and discontinuities. It also examines the Mulichingo formation and its gradual transgression. The video highlights the importance of the Neuquén Basin and its connection to the open sea through volcanic arcs.

📚 The video discusses the Vaca Muerta formation and its geological characteristics.

🏞️ The Vaca Muerta formation is part of a larger system and consists of organic-rich deposits.

🌋 The formation is connected to the open ocean through volcanic arcs and undergoes transgressions and regressions.

00:27:20 This video discusses the development of a continental basin and the different formations and deposits found within it. It also explores the evolution of the Neuquén Basin in Argentina.

🌊 The video discusses the transformation of a basin into a continental basin and the development of different formations within it, such as eolic and fluvial deposits.

🏞️ The transcript explains the evolution of the Neuquén Basin, moving from a sequential basin to a more complex one, with the presence of the Avilés and Agrio formations.

💧 Towards the end of the video, the focus shifts to the final stage of the basin, characterized by lacustrine deposits and the transition to a peripheral basin.

00:32:53 Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 3: The importance of the Cretaceous period in the Neuquén Basin and the different rock formations that serve as mother rocks for petroleum and gas production.

🔑 The Cretaceous period is essential in the Neuquén Basin for petroleum systems.

⛰️ Different rock formations in the basin act as source rocks, generating hydrocarbons.

💡 The Neuquén Basin offers multiple opportunities for exploration and production.

Summary of a video "Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 3" by G.C.S Argentina on YouTube.

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