📚 Responsabilidad social empresarial tiene dos dimensiones: interna y externa.
💼 La dimensión interna se refiere a las prácticas responsables dentro de la empresa, como la inversión en recursos humanos y la gestión del cambio.
🌿 También se incluye la gestión de los recursos naturales y el cuidado del medio ambiente en la dimensión interna de la responsabilidad social empresarial.
🌍 Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) tiene dimensiones internas y externas.
👥 Dimensión externa de RSE incluye comunidades locales, socios comerciales, proveedores y consumidores, y problemas económicos.
💼 Dimensión interna de RSE incluye gestión de recursos humanos, aprendizaje en las empresas, y salud y seguridad en el lugar de trabajo.
📚 Responsibility for clear communication and documentation of health and safety parameters increases as the number of products and services offered by a company grows.
💡 Ensuring the health and safety of workers is crucial in industries with high risks, and it should be a primary commitment for organizations.
🔄 Adapting to changes and restructuring within the company is a concern for employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
🌍 Socially responsible perspective involves considering the interests of all stakeholders and minimizing environmental impact.
💼 Reducing resource consumption and waste is advantageous for companies, both financially and environmentally.
💡 Comprehensive product policies analyze the impact throughout its life cycle for a more profitable approach.
🌍 It is important for companies to consider the environmental impact of their waste and actions.
👥 Corporate social responsibility extends to the local community, workers, shareholders, partners, and consumers.
🏢 Companies should integrate themselves responsibly into their local environment.
Companies contribute to the development of communities by providing jobs, salaries, social benefits, and income.
Establishing positive relationships with the local community and accumulating social capital is important for non-local companies.
Businesses are expected to offer products and services that meet consumer needs while being socially and environmentally friendly.
Global ecological problems are influenced by the cross-border effects of environmental issues related to companies.
🌎 Companies have the potential to have a positive impact on the global environment.
🌍 Due to globalization, companies can have an impact not only locally but also internationally.
📈 The dimensions of social responsibility include acting responsibly at the local, national, and global levels.
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