👩🏫 Teachers have a tremendous responsibility to touch the lives of impressionable young children.
👼 An angel appeared to God and questioned why it was taking so long to figure out the creation of teachers.
☕🍱 Teachers must be able to multitask, including doing 180 things not related to the subjects they teach, and rely on coffee and leftovers to keep going.
👩🏫 A good teacher must effectively communicate knowledge and prioritize others over themselves.
😊 Teachers must maintain a positive attitude despite challenging situations with students, parents, and colleagues.
👀 The most challenging aspect of being a teacher is the ability to truly see and understand each student.
👁️ Teachers have a unique ability to see what should not be seen but must be known.
👩🏫 Teachers are dedicated to understanding and supporting their students, even in challenging situations.
❤️ Teachers have a special place in their hearts for all children and empathize with their struggles.
👨🏫 The teacher created by the lord is both soft-hearted and tough, capable of enduring and doing whatever is necessary.
🤔 The teacher not only thinks but also reasons and compromises.
😰 The stress that will be placed upon the teacher is emphasized.
👩🏫 A teacher's tear represents the joy and pride of seeing a child accomplish even the smallest task.
😢 A tear also symbolizes the loneliness of children who struggle to fit in and the compassion for their parents.
✨ Furthermore, tears come from the pain of not being able to reach certain children and the disappointment they feel in themselves.
📚 This video explores the concept of teachers and the impact they have on students.
🌱 The importance of nurturing and developing teachers' skills is highlighted.
💡 The video emphasizes the role of teachers in shaping future generations.
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