Exploring Sub Procedures and Functions in Excel VBA

An introduction to sub procedures and functions in Excel VBA, part of a web scraping tutorial series.

00:00:01 An introduction to sub procedures and functions in Excel VBA, part of a web scraping tutorial series.

💡 Understanding VBA concepts is essential before diving into web scraping.

⚙️ Sub procedures and functions are fundamental in VBA programming.

📚 A sub procedure is a set of statements that perform an action, while a function returns an output.

00:01:05 Learn about subprocedures & functions in Excel VBA, including scope and creating multiple procedures in modules.

📌 A sub-procedure is a section of code that performs a specific task in VBA.

📌 A module can contain multiple sub-procedures and functions.

📌 The default scope for sub-procedures is public, but it can be changed to private.

00:02:10 This video explains the concept of private sub procedures and how they can be called within the same module.

📚 Private sub procedures can be called within the same module but not from outside modules.

🔒 The scope of private members is limited to the module they are defined in.

🔄 To access private members from another module, the sub procedure needs to be in the same module as the private member.

00:03:14 Learn how to use sub procedures and functions in Excel VBA, including passing arguments to sub procedures. Make your code more generic with parameterization.

🔑 Sub procedures in Excel VBA can also accept arguments, allowing for parameterization and flexibility.

💡 By passing arguments to sub procedures, you can replace hard-coded values with dynamic inputs, making the code more versatile.

Multiple arguments of different types can be passed to sub procedures, enhancing their functionality.

00:04:18 Learn about subprocedures and functions in Excel VBA, and the difference between them. Create a sub procedure to add two numbers. Discover the naming conventions for variables and methods.

💡 The video is about web scraping using Excel VBA.

📝 Sub procedures and functions are explained, with a focus on their differences.

🔢 An example of a sub procedure is demonstrated, where two numbers are added.

00:05:22 Learn the difference between sub procedures and functions, and how to convert a sub procedure into a function in Excel VBA.

The video discusses the difference between sub procedures and functions in Excel VBA.

A sub procedure does not return a value, while a function is designed to return a value.

To convert a sub procedure into a function, the variable name in the function should be the same as the function name, and the value will be returned as the output.

Summary of a video "Web Scraping # 1 | Subprocedures & Functions | Excel VBA" by Extreme Automation - Kamal Girdher on YouTube.

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