Discovering the Geology of Cerrotena through Former Oil Wells

Exploring former oil wells in Cerrotena, uncovering successes and failures of the petroleum system. Indigenous knowledge and changing exploration techniques play a role in understanding the region's geology.

00:00:03 Exploring former oil wells in Cerrotena, uncovering both the successes and failures of the petroleum system. Indigenous knowledge and changing exploration techniques play a significant role in understanding the region's geology.

🔍 The video discusses the exploration of the Neuquen Basin for oil and the presence of oil seeps in the region.

🌱 The early exploration focused on drilling wells in areas with oil seeps, but later shifted to targeting structural highs and traps.

🗺️ The video showcases the geological formations and structures in Cerrotena, including exposed anticlines and the relatively undisturbed Neuquen Group.

00:04:52 This video explores the geological formations and landscapes of the Campo region. It showcases the red rock layers, the Neuquén group, and the Vaca Muerta formation. The video also features the oil reservoir and the process of extracting oil.

📍 The video explores the landscape and geological formations in the Southern sector, focusing on Cerro Latena and the Neuquén group.

🌈 Vaca Muerta, a unique geological formation with yellowish colors, is introduced, along with its proximity to the Lajas formation and the Neuquén group.

⛰️ The video also showcases the rocks and angular discordances in the region, including the presence of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

00:09:43 Module 5 of the immersive virtual course delves into the geological formations found in the Campo region. The video explains the presence of conglomerates, erosion, and the migration of hydrocarbons in the area.

🔍 The video discusses conglomerates and red layers in the Laja formation.

🗺️ There is a discordance between the Laja formation and the Lutitas naranjas in the Vaca Muerta formation.

⛰️ Vaca Muerta migrates towards the basal levels, leading to the appearance of oil against the structure.

00:14:34 In this video, the speaker discusses structural traps and the migration of hydrocarbons. They explore examples from different regions, including Venezuela and Canada. The focus is on the geological formations and the potential for oil exploration.

📌 Petroleum traps are formed by structural deformations and migration of hydrocarbons.

🔥 In some regions, rocks are under high pressure, causing oil to gush out.

🌍 Migration of hydrocarbons can lead to the formation of heavy oil deposits.

00:19:23 This video discusses the geological history of the Cuenca region and the potential for hydrocarbon extraction. The Cuenca has not reached the necessary temperatures for significant hydrocarbon generation, unlike other areas in the basin. It also mentions the variation in rock maturity along the structure due to different temperature ranges. The video encourages further exploration and provides additional resources for viewers to learn more.

🗺️ The video discusses the geological history of the Cuenca and how it affects the presence of hydrocarbons.

💡 The Cuenca has different levels of maturity in its rocks, resulting in varying levels of hydrocarbon production.

🔬 The participants are encouraged to explore the materials and visit the locations discussed in the video for a better understanding of the subject.

00:24:11 Module 5 of the immersive virtual field course focuses on the analysis of the Neuquén Basin. The study discusses the presence of ammonites in the basin, suggesting a disruption between the Cuyo Group and the Precursor Group. Research in southern Mendoza provides evidence of the basin's flooding from north to south.

The video discusses the geological analysis of the Neuquén Basin and the discovery of ammonite fossils.

There are different theories about the formation of the basin, with some suggesting a north to south flooding event.

The presence of marine fauna in the southern region of Mendoza supports the theory of a northern influx of water.

00:29:01 Virtual immersive field course - Module 5. Discussion on geological conditions and the presence of fossils leading to insights on the formation of the basin

The video discusses the geological conditions and fossil remains found in the Northern and Southern sectors.

The subsidence of the basin begins in the Northern sector due to geotectonic reasons.

There is an interesting observation of fossilized marine remains in certain areas of the Southern sector.

Summary of a video "Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 5" by G.C.S Argentina on YouTube.

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