🔎 Testing external connectivity to Databricks Delta databases can help troubleshoot issues.
💻 Steps to perform the test: download the Databricks Delta drivers and the Java program.
⭐️ To test external connectivity to Databricks Delta databases using JDBC drivers, download the required files and compile the Java program.
💻 Execute the Java program with optional parameters for debugging or specifying a test query.
🔍 Ensure that the user has read access to the program and compile it before testing the connection.
💡 Compiling the program and checking the info home variable.
💭 Verifying if the info home variable is set and empty.
🧪 Setting the info variable and checking for duplications.
🔍 Testing external connectivity to Databricks Delta Databases using JDBC Drivers from DIS Machine.
💻 Compiling and executing a program to select data from the database using JDBC connection string, token, and query.
📊 Query execution results in the display of a single row with the specified column.
⚡ Testing external connectivity to Databricks Delta databases using JDBC drivers from DIS Machine.
🔗 Successful execution of the query for testing external connectivity.
💻 Downloadable program available for testing external connectivity.
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