🔑 Functions in programming are a group of related statements that perform a specific task, helping to divide a program into smaller, more manageable parts.
🔑 Creating functions in Python involves using the 'def' keyword, followed by the function name, empty parenthesis, and a colon. The function body is defined with an indentation.
🔑 To bring a function into action, it needs to be called by using its name followed by empty parentheses.
✨ Functions in Python allow us to organize and reuse code.
🔄 After calling a function, the program jumps to the function header and executes the statements inside. Once the task is completed, the program returns to the function call.
⚠️ Functions need to be defined before they can be called. Calling a function before it is defined will result in an error.
💡 Python functions allow us to define reusable blocks of code.
🔧 Functions can accept arguments, which are values passed to the function when called.
🔄 Once the function completes its execution, control returns to the point where the function was called.
Using the return statement inside a function allows us to find the sum of numbers and assign the result to a variable.
When a return statement is encountered, the program control goes back to the place from where the function is called.
User-defined functions can be created in Python, but there are also built-in functions like print and float.
Python has numerous built-in functions that make programming easier.
Examples of built-in functions include len() and sum().
You can create your own functions to solve specific problems.
The video explains how to calculate the average of a list of marks using Python functions.
It also demonstrates how to determine a grade based on the average marks.
The code provided in the video calculates the average marks of a given list and determines the corresponding grade.
Functions are a block of code that perform a specific task and can be called multiple times with different values.
Parameters and arguments can be passed to functions to customize their behavior.
The return statement is used to exit a function and return a value.
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