📚 Realism is a philosophical approach that aims to explain the origin of things based on what truly exists.
⚖️ Realism led to a significant period in human history and was represented by important figures like Aristotle.
💡 Realism argues that human intelligence has the ability to understand reality through reproduction.
🔍 Realism emphasizes the need for inquiry and investigation in philosophical systems.
🤔 Many people today are far from being realists as they rely more on speculation than objective perception.
✨ Positivism is another philosophical school that asserts the importance of empirical knowledge.
🧠 Positivism is a philosophy that emphasizes authentic scientific knowledge and rejects a priori notions and universal concepts.
🌍 Originating in France in the mid-19th century, positivism gained popularity throughout Europe and became the preferred way of thinking for philosophers, historians, scientists, and writers.
🔬 Auguste Comte, a French philosopher and mathematician, coined the term positivism and presented a historical view of human development through different stages.
🔍 Realismo Positivismo asserts that knowledge is limited to what can be observed and denies the ability of philosophy to provide information about the world.
🗝️ Important characteristics of Realismo Positivismo include methodological monism, the use of causal explanations through universal laws, and an emphasis on inductive reasoning.
🔬 Representatives of Realismo Positivismo include French philosopher Clau de Henri de Saint Simon and English philosopher John Stuart Mill.
🔍 The goal of falsification of hypotheses is to verify them with empirical data.
🔬 Positivism focuses on predicting natural phenomena and searching for the facts or causes of social phenomena.
🎯 Positivists emphasize objectivity and independence from subjective states of individuals.
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