🌍 The video discusses the belief that a major global event is imminent.
⏰ The video mentions that this event is happening sooner than expected.
🔮 The video refers to the current period as the 'Kali Yuga,' which is associated with the end times.
⭐ The Kali Yuga cycle is the current age of darkness and ignorance on Earth, characterized by materialism, hypocrisy, and conflict.
🌍 During this time, human beings lose connection with their true selves and engage in rampant materialistic endeavors.
🔑 The Kali Yuga cycle is marked by famine, disease, overpopulation, extreme animosity, and a lack of spirituality.
🔄 We are currently in the final phase of the Kali Yuga cycle, which is characterized by ignorance and deception.
🌍 The next major global event is approaching, signaling the end of The Matrix and the beginning of a new golden age.
🌊 Natural disasters, pandemics, and global challenges are increasing as we move towards this transition.
😮 The current cycle of ignorance is coming to an end, and humanity is waking up from the illusion of Maya.
🌍 The world is going through a Great Awakening, indicating the end of the age of ignorance.
🔥 Humanity's disregard for the laws of nature has led to chaos and the need for change.
🌍 The next major global event is approaching soon.
🔮 There is an 11:11 Awakening happening worldwide, indicating a new beginning and a realization that reality may be a simulation.
👽 Many UFO sightings have been reported, confirming the presence of other entities on Earth.
👽 Alien beings will reveal themselves to humanity, changing everything we know about Earth and human origins.
⏰ We are in a rough period called the Kali Yuga, and a major global event is on its way. Not everyone will make it, so we must keep our frequency high and choose love over fear.
🌟 Millions of people waking up to their true power will bring about the birth of the golden age. Only love can set us free.
⭐️ The video discusses the beginning of a major global event known as the Kali Yuga season.
🌍 The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying aware and trusting the universe during these end times.
🙏 The audience is encouraged to support the speaker's work and show gratitude through likes, comments, and purchases.
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