The doctor explains the difference between table salt and mineral salt.
Table salt is refined and contains harmful additives, while mineral salt is natural and beneficial for the body.
Mineral salt, such as crystal rock salt, does not increase blood pressure.
Kristal Kaya tuzunda bulunan temel elektrolitler vücut için önemlidir.
Kaya tuzu tansiyonu yükseltmez, çünkü bir molekül tuz bir molekül su tutar.
Tansiyonu yükselten şekerdir, çünkü bir molekül şeker 190 molekül su tutar.
🔑 The video discusses the effects of consuming low-salt diets and excessive sugar intake on the human body.
💡 Contrary to popular belief, consuming low-salt diets does not raise blood pressure.
💣 Excessive sugar intake can lead to sugar addiction and various health risks.
🧂 Contrary to popular belief, consuming less salt can lead to sugar cravings and negative effects on the body.
💧 Our bodies require salt, specifically crystal rock salt, for the proper functioning of cells and maintaining mineral balance.
😮 Our bodily fluids, including tears, nasal discharge, saliva, and urine, contain salt.
🧂 Salt is essential for our body, as it helps regulate important hormones and maintain a proper balance of electrolytes.
💪 Consuming crystal rock salt can boost our immune system, protect against chronic illnesses, and fight against infections, including the common cold and possibly even COVID-19.
🩺 Contrary to popular belief, salt consumption does not directly lead to high blood pressure.
🧂 Contrary to popular belief, eating salt does not increase blood pressure; it is refined carbohydrates that convert into sugar in the body and raise blood pressure.
🩺 Medications and low-salt diets do not effectively lower blood pressure in hypertension patients.
💦 During hot summer days, we tend to sweat more and lose minerals from our body, therefore it is important to consume mineral-rich foods.
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