Measures to Prevent Domestic Violence: Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008

Ley 1257 of December 4, 2008 ensures women's rights, provides support for victims of violence, and emphasizes prevention and collaboration in eradicating violence against women.

00:00:00 This video discusses Ley 1257, a law that aims to ensure a life free of violence for all women. It defines different types of harm, including psychological, physical, sexual, and economic harm.

📚 The Ley 1257 law aims to ensure a life free from violence for all women.

🔍 The law defines different forms of damage, including psychological, physical, sexual, and patrimonial damage.

⚖️ It also addresses sexual harassment, which involves unwanted physical or verbal actions with sexual intent.

00:01:33 Summary: Ley 1257 of December 4, 2008, guarantees women's rights to a dignified life, physical and psychological integrity, privacy, equality, freedom, and reproductive health. Victims of violence are entitled to comprehensive support and legal assistance.

📋 The Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008 protects women's rights to a dignified life, physical and psychological integrity, and freedom from torture or cruel treatment.

👥 Women also have the right to equality, freedom, autonomy, and personal development, as well as access to comprehensive services for victims of violence and legal assistance.

⚖️ The law also ensures that victims of violence have the right to clear information about their rights, procedures, and available mechanisms, as well as the choice of medical professionals in cases of sexual violence.

00:03:04 The Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008 grants social assistance and specialized medical, psychological, psychiatric, and forensic support to women and their children who are victims of violence. It also emphasizes the importance of prevention, justice, and societal collaboration in eradicating violence and discrimination against women.

💡 Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008 provides social assistance, medical care, and protection for women and their children who have experienced violence.

🔑 The law emphasizes the importance of truth, justice, reparations, and guarantees of non-repetition for victims of violence, and grants women the right to not confront their aggressors.

🌍 The society plays a crucial role in eradicating violence and discrimination against women by respecting and promoting their rights, denouncing violations, and actively participating in gender equity policies.

00:04:34 Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008: Measures to ensure women's rights and eliminate violence against them, including immediate protection for victims and eviction of aggressors.

⚖️ The Ley 1257 is a law that aims to ensure the rights of women and eliminate violence against them, particularly within the family context.

👩‍👧‍👦 Victims of violence within indigenous, Afro-descendant, and other ethnic communities can request immediate protection measures from the family commissioner, such as eviction of the aggressor from the shared residence.

🔒 The authority responsible for enforcing the law will ensure that the protection measures are communicated to the relevant parties, such as surveillance personnel, administrative councils, and property owners, to prevent the aggressor from accessing the victim.

00:06:06 Summary: Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008 provides various protections and measures to prevent domestic violence and support victims. It includes provisions for restraining orders, child custody, financial support, and temporary protection for victims. Alternative Title: Measures to Prevent Domestic Violence: Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008.

📜 Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008 provides protection and support for victims of domestic violence.

🛡️ The law allows authorities to order temporary protection measures, such as prohibiting the aggressor from entering the victim's residence or workplace.

💰 The aggressor may be required to cover the expenses for legal, medical, and psychological assistance for the victim.

00:07:37 The Ley 1257 from December 4, 2008, requires cases of domestic violence to be reported for investigation. It grants women measures of protection and assistance, including medical and psychological services.

📝 The Ley 1257, enacted in December 2008, requires competent authorities to refer all cases of domestic violence to the prosecutor's office for investigation.

🤝 Women who are victims of violence are entitled to measures of assistance and protection, including housing, food, and transportation.

💼 Employers who hire female victims of proven violence have the right to deduct 200% of the salaries and social benefits paid during the taxable year.

00:09:07 The Ley 1257, enacted in December 2008, increases penalties for crimes committed against women based on their gender or relationship status.

📜 Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008 increases penalties for crimes committed against women.

⚖️ The law covers crimes such as homicide, kidnapping, rape, sexual abuse, pimping, and human trafficking.

👥 The Committee for the Implementation of this law consists of the Ministry for Women's Equity, the General Prosecutor's Office, the People's Defender, and women's organizations.

Summary of a video "Ley 1257 del 4 de diciembre de 2008" by Adminweb DAPRE on YouTube.

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