📚 Studying administration and supervision in education is crucial.
🤝 There are three main activities in education: teaching and learning, guidance and counseling, and educational administration.
💡 Efficient management of these activities is essential for a successful learning process and addressing conflicts.
📚 Studying administration and supervision in education is crucial.
🔑 Management of education is composed of three levels: macro, meso, and micro.
🏢 Macro level is organized by the national education ministry, meso level by provincial and district education offices, and micro level by individual educational units.
🎓 The video emphasizes the importance of studying educational administration and supervision.
🔍 It discusses the key areas of curriculum, personnel, facilities, student services, and financing.
🏫 The main activities include educational planning, management, and supervision at the school level.
✨ Studying administration and supervision in education is crucial for ensuring effective school management.
📚 By learning about administration and supervision, educators can improve student outcomes and ensure a conducive learning environment.
🎯 Proper administration and supervision play a vital role in the overall growth and development of educational institutions.
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