🏛️ The HSE Movement is about a very advanced civilization that has been uncovered with well-built structures and a systematic layout.
🛣️ The ruins show evidence of roads, entry points, and drainage systems, highlighting the importance of HSE in their civilization.
🌊 The civilization also recognized the significance of water management and the impact it has on public health.
⭐ HSE has been important throughout history, as seen in the structures like bridges, steps, and well-planned towns.
💡 The Indus Valley Civilisation provides evidence of HSE practices, such as bathing and hygienic living, that have been around since ancient times.
🌍 Part A of the topic focuses on exploring the relationship between HSE and the environment.
📚 The video discusses the importance of HSE practices in past civilizations like the Indus Valley and Machu Picchu.
🌄 Machu Picchu provides evidence of HSE practices in an ancient civilization located high up in the mountains.
💡 The Code of Hammurabi, developed by the ruler Hammurabi, highlights the HSE practices in ancient times.
🏛️ The Code of Hammurabi provides a fair and just rule in society.
🔺 The Pyramids of Giza still stand as a testament to the knowledge and practices of the Egyptian civilization.
🏥 Evidence suggests that workers who built the pyramids had access to medical facilities and bathing areas, showing compensation and protection.
🧼 Workers are encouraged to maintain hygiene and cleanliness.
🏛️ Romans built large structures like aqueducts to transport clean water.
🚾 Romans also developed sewage systems and public baths.
🏛️ The video discusses the practice of HSE in ancient Rome, specifically focusing on latrines and ventilated houses.
💦 The difference between ancient and modern aqueducts is highlighted, with the modern version using underground conduits and treatment plants.
❓ The key question raised is whether the Roman aqueduct system is still valid and suitable for today's needs.
🌿 The need for hedges in ancient times when there was no pollution or industry.
🎶 Understanding the success of ancient musical structures and their influence on today's technology and society.
🏛️ Exploring the existence and impact of ancient structures on modern architecture and technology.
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