💡 Install native GMS, Google Play Store directly on Harmony OS 3.1.
💻 Download and extract the installation files, copy the 'huawei' folder to the device's root directory.
🔑 Login with your Huawei account to complete the installation process.
📲 The video explains how to install native GMS and Google Play Store on Harmony OS 3.1.
🔧 The installation process involves granting permissions, entering a password, and activating Google services.
⬇️ Once the installation is complete, the user can start downloading and installing APK files from the Google Play Store.
🔧 Instructions on how to install native GMS and Google Play Store on Harmony OS 3.1.
💻 Troubleshooting steps for sign-in issues and syncing Google accounts.
⚠️ User may encounter errors during the process.
💡 The video explains how to install native GMS and Google Play Store on Harmony OS 3.1.
🔧 The process involves navigating to the settings, managing apps and services, and clearing data and cache.
🔄 After following the steps, the device needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
📲 Install native GMS and Google Play Store on Harmony OS 3.1.
⚙️ Stop automatic updates of Google Play Services and uninstall it.
🔄 Restart the device and install Chrome, granting necessary permissions.
📱 Learn how to install native GMS and Google Play Store directly on Harmony OS 3.1.
🔧 Follow the steps to enable Google Play services and manage background data usage.
📥 Complete the setup process to have access to Google Play Store on your device.
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