🦴 The video provides a quick overview of the bones in a canine body, including the cranium, axillary skeleton, and appendicular skeleton.
🐾 The cranium consists of the parietal, temporal, zygomatic, maxillary, frontal, nasal, and incisive bones, each with distinguishing features and functions.
🦷 The mandible contains the coronoid and condylar processes, and the maxillary bone and mandible house the teeth.
🦴 The canine skull consists of several bones, including the temporal, occipital, palatine, and sphenoid bones.
🌍 The Atlas and Axis vertebrae hold the skull and are part of a group of seven cervical vertebrae found in most mammals.
🔍 The transverse processes of the Atlas vertebra have distinct features, such as foramina and canals.
👉 The canine skeleton has cranial and caudal articular processes for connecting the arches.
🐾 The dorsal spinous processes are present in most vertebrae, along with costal fovea in the thoracic region.
🦴 The ribs articulate with the cranial aspect of the vertebrae, with the first rib connecting to the first thoracic vertebra.
📚 The video provides an overview of the canine skeleton, focusing on the rib and lumbar region.
🦴 The sacrum is composed of three fused vertebrae, known as the median sacral crest.
🐾 The thoracic limb has specific anatomical features, including the lateral spine of the scapula and the supraglenoid tubercle above the glenoid fossa.
🦴 The canine skeleton has various key features, including the deltoid process, condyles, trochlea, and radius and ulna.
🔍 The condyle is an articular surface, and the styloid processes are present on both the radius and ulna.
🐾 The metacarpal bones and digits play a crucial role in the structure of the canine skeleton.
🦴 The video provides an overview of the canine skeleton.
🐾 Different bones and structures of the canine skeleton are explained, including the phalanges, carpal bones, and pelvic bones.
👀 Tips on how to identify and orient oneself with specific bones and surfaces are given.
🦴 The canine skeleton consists of different segments, including the diaphysis, metaphysis, physis, and epiphysis.
🦴 The tibia and fibula are two bones in the leg, with the tibia being larger and the fibula being smaller.
🦴 The tarsus, metatarsals, and phalanges make up the foot of the canine skeleton.
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