📝 In this video, we learn how to create a program in Python that gives suggestions based on different conditions, such as hunger or thirst.
💻 The program uses if-else statements to check for specific conditions and provide corresponding suggestions.
🔍 Examples of single, multiple, and nested if statements are given to illustrate how to implement them in Python.
⭐️ If the variable 'keadaan' is hungry, it will print the word 'lapar'.
🍔 If the variable 'keadaan' is changed to hungry, it will print the word 'makan'.
🚶♂️ If the variable 'keadaan' is not hungry, it will go for a walk.
🔑 The 'if else' statement is used to execute different actions based on different conditions.
📝 When the condition in the 'if' statement is true, the code inside it will be executed.
🍽️ If the condition in the 'if' statement is false, another block of code can be executed using the 'else' statement.
🔁 When a condition is true, the computer executes the code inside the 'if' statement.
❌ If the condition is false, the code inside the 'else' statement is executed.
👋 The 'if else' statement allows the computer to make decisions and choose between different actions based on the condition's result.
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