📚 Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes, with behavior being observable and mental processes being abstract.
🔍 Psychology as a science requires measurement, and measuring abstract concepts is a challenge that researchers must overcome.
🧪 The concept of 'kontrak' in psychology refers to the measurement of variables, similar to the concept of 'variabel' in statistics.
🔑 Kontrak digunakan dalam pengukuran variabel dalam statistika.
📐 Kontrak Psikologi adalah konsep buatan untuk mengukur kecerdasan dan kemampuan penalaran.
📈 Kontrak Psikologi selalu mengalami perkembangan seiring waktu.
🔑 There are 2 types of psychological assessments: maximal performance and typical performance.
📏 Maximal performance assessments evaluate abilities with right or wrong answers.
🔄 Typical performance assessments do not measure abilities and accept all answers as correct.
💡 Maximal performance assessments can be divided into potential and actual tests.
📚 Potential tests show academic capabilities, while actual tests assess current knowledge or abilities.
📚 There are various types of non-cognitive attributes, such as attitudes and interests.
🔍 Psychological contracts can be categorized based on their directionality, such as linear, bipolar, and orthogonal contracts.
⚖️ Linear contracts measure a specific attribute in one direction, such as life satisfaction or work commitment.
💡 Linear contract interpretation does not classify individuals into high, medium, or low satisfaction groups.
💡 Bipolar contract interpretation focuses on classifying individuals into introvert or extrovert groups.
💡 Orthogonal contract measurement evaluates different aspects without a total score.
📚 Psychological contracts can be categorized as unidimensional or multidimensional.
🔍 In unidimensional contracts, there is a high correlation between aspects or items, while in multidimensional contracts, there is low correlation, indicating uniqueness or independence between dimensions.
💡 Subjective well-being is an example of a multidimensional contract, where dimensions such as life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect have their own characteristics.
🔑 Psychological contracts can be classified into multidimensional and unidimensional contracts.
🎯 Multidimensional contracts involve scoring and analysis on multiple dimensions, while unidimensional contracts involve scoring and analysis on the overall items.
💡 Reliability estimation can be performed on both multidimensional and unidimensional contracts, with the possibility of composite reliability estimation for multidimensional contracts.
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