US Marine Encounters UFO Black Ops Human Trafficking Operation

Former US Marine witnesses black ops UFO operation involving human trafficking, exposing corruption and secrecy. Call to action for accountability.

00:00:00 Marine witnesses human trafficking operation in Indonesia involving UFOs, exposing corruption and the deep level of secrecy. A call to action for others to come forward and demand accountability.

馃摵 Michael Herrera, a US Marine, witnessed a human trafficking operation in Indonesia involving UFOs in 2009.

馃寧 The event changed Herrera's perspective on UFOs and led him to uncover a deeper level of corruption and secrecy surrounding the phenomenon.

馃浉 Herrera aims to bring hope and encourage others who have witnessed similar events to come forward, as recent legislation and disclosure efforts are pressuring corporations to reveal more about UFO technology.

00:12:26 A former US Marine describes encountering an unusual unidentified flying object in an undisclosed location. The craft was hovering and rotating in a clockwise position, with a separate platform on the ground. The Marine and his team were engaged by a professional military force nearby.

馃浉 The speaker encountered a UFO in the midst of a humanitarian mission in Indonesia and documented it with their camera.

馃摳 The UFO appeared in a jungle clearing and stood out due to its unusual appearance and behavior.

馃懡 The speaker and their team were approached by a mysterious military force near the UFO, indicating a possible connection.

00:24:53 Marine recounts encountering a mysterious UFO operation involving skilled individuals conducting human trafficking. The UFO was massive, around 300 feet, circular with octagonal corners and had panels. Trucks with weapon cases and shipping containers were seen entering the craft.

馃攳 The speaker describes heightened senses and attention to detail while encountering a mysterious object and armed individuals.

馃敨 The armed individuals detain the speaker and their group, searching their belongings and showing knowledge of military procedures.

馃殮 The speaker witnesses trucks transporting containers, later revealed to be involved in a human trafficking operation.

馃浉 The speaker estimates the size and shape of a large circular craft, suggesting advanced technology.

00:37:21 A former US Marine describes encountering a mysterious craft that appeared to be a black ops operation. The craft had an octagonal shape, rose off the ground silently, and shot off at high speed. It was unlike any aircraft the Marine had seen before.

馃懡 The witness describes a UFO with an octagonal scale pattern, similar to the design of the F-22 Raptor.

馃殌 The witness observes a platform hovering silently and raising off the ground, with an opening like the bottom part of the craft.

馃挩 The craft shoots off at an extremely high speed, leaving a black blur and no sound.

00:49:50 US Marine experiences a concerning encounter with unidentified military personnel in a covert operation involving human trafficking. Alarming implications of government corruption and media misinformation exposed.

馃敀 The speaker describes a situation where they were restrained and searched by a mysterious group of individuals who had advanced weapons and military tactics.

馃懃 The group appeared to have a military background but did not have any identifying insignias or uniforms. They communicated using American dialect and seemed to have knowledge of tactical operations.

馃拃 The speaker suspects that the group may be involved in human trafficking and illegal activities, as they had advanced technology and resources. They also discuss the interconnection between the subjects of UFOs and human trafficking.

01:02:18 A US Marine encounters a black ops human trafficking operation during a UFO sighting in California. Whistleblowers are threatened and evidence is confiscated.

The speaker encountered UFOs engaging in illegal activities near his place of business.

Whistleblowers who expose these activities face intimidation and potential harm.

The speaker's personal experiences and encounters with government officials regarding these UFO activities.

01:14:45 Michael Herrera, a former US Marine, discusses his encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the alleged involvement of black ops in human trafficking. He emphasizes the need for whistleblowers to come forward and highlights the potential dangers of portraying fear and misinformation in the media.

Former marine discusses the paramilitarization and secrecy of UFO operations.

The government's response to whistleblowers and their fear of repercussions.

The importance of revealing the truth and stopping the spread of fear and false narratives.

Summary of a video "Michael Herrera - US Marine Encounters UFO Black Ops Human Trafficking Operation | SRS #66 (Part 1)" by Shawn Ryan Show on YouTube.

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