Color-Controlled Smart Car with Arduino and RGB Sensor

Creating a color-controlled smart car using Arduino and an RGB sensor. Program the car to turn left, right, and stop based on the color of the floor.

00:00:00 In this video, we create a color-controlled smart car using an Arduino and an RGB sensor. The car turns left, right, and stops based on the color of the floor.

🚗 Today, we are building an intelligent car that can turn right or left and stop based on the colors it detects on the ground.

🎨 We will be using an Arduino, as well as an RGB sensor that can detect colors in front of it.

🔌 Other components include a motor with a wheel, a breadboard, a battery holder, and a relay for electronic switching.

00:01:41 We built an electric and autonomous car prototype. Learn how to program a self-driving car and more with Alura, Brazil's largest online technology school.

🚗 This video is about creating a prototype of an electric and autonomous car.

💻 Alura, a popular online technology school in Brazil, offers courses on programming, design, innovation, and management.

🛠️ The construction of the car involves assembling the hardware and using materials like popsicle sticks and hot glue.

00:03:22 Creating a color-controlled car using an RGB sensor and wooden sticks for reading colored paper. The car is powered by a Power Bank and batteries. Tips for making electrical connections are provided.

🚗 Creating a car controlled by colors using an RGB sensor and colored paper.

⚙️ Adjusting the sensor height to be close to the colored paper without touching the ground.

🔋 Using a Power Bank for the Arduino and a set of batteries for the wheels.

00:05:01 A summary: Creating a color-controlled car using Arduino and motors, with a solution to prevent burning the Arduino due to high energy demand. The car can move forward, turn left, turn right, and stop based on different colored surfaces.

🔌 To prevent the Arduino from burning out, a separate set of batteries was used to power the motors.

🔄 The logic of the car is simple: it can move forward when both wheels are activated, turn left when only the right wheel is activated, and turn right when only the left wheel is activated.

🟢 When the sensor detects the color green, the car starts moving, while detecting the color red makes the car turn right.

00:06:41 A color-controlled car can be programmed to make tighter or wider turns by adjusting the timing of the wheels. Testing and adjustments are necessary for optimal performance.

🚗 The video demonstrates the creation of a color-controlled car.

🔄 The car's turning ability is controlled by the duration of time the wheels are stopped.

⏱️ Adjusting the time the wheels are stopped allows for different turning angles.

00:08:20 We created a color-controlled car using Arduino. The sensor reads the levels of red, green, and blue, allowing us to program different commands based on the readings.

📌 The video is about creating a color-controlled car using Arduino.

🔎 The sensor used in the project sends three numbers representing the amount of red, green, and blue it detects, ranging from 0 to 255.

💡 The code for the Arduino is not based on specific colors, but on the readings from the sensor, allowing for flexible programming.

00:10:01 A DIY car controlled by colors using Arduino and light sensors. A simple yet fun project for beginners in electronics.

🚗 We built a car controlled by colors using Arduino.

👍 The car successfully followed the color commands.

💡 This project is a beginner-friendly way to learn Arduino and experiment with circuitry.

Summary of a video "Fizemos um CARRINHO controlado por CORES" by Manual do Mundo on YouTube.

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