🔥 Some Christian YouTube channels may be leading people astray and should be unsubscribed from.
🤡 Ruslan is a charismatic YouTuber who lacks biblical discernment and sensationalizes rather than teaches God's word.
🚫 John McArthur has shown patterns of harmful behavior and may not be trustworthy.
🤯 Not all popular Christian YouTube channels are trustworthy and aligned with biblical teachings.
🛑 Ruslan violates God's word by partnering with false teachers and promoting false charismatic practices.
😡 Service Christie (Joshua Chavez) spreads lies and half-truths about men of God, violating the commandment against false witness.
🤯 Unsubscribe from specific Christian YouTube channels that discredit solid Bible teachers and twist God's word.
🛑 Dr. Michael Brown, a respected figure, endorses and promotes false teachers and their teachings.
😡 Highlighted examples include Pastor Bill Johnson's book, endorsements of Todd White, Kenneth Copeland, Sid Roth, and Heidi Baker.
💼 Many popular YouTube Christian channels are untrustworthy and should be unsubscribed from due to their false teachings and manipulation of the faith for personal gain.
🚫 Michael Brown, a prominent figure in the false Revival in Brownsville, teaches a mix of truth and error, including the unbiblical practice of being slain in the spirit.
❌ Alan Parr is another Christian channel that promotes false teachers and spreads unbiblical nonsense, such as endorsing Joel Osteen as a solid man of God.
🤯 Some popular Christian YouTube channels may not be trustworthy and should be unsubscribed from.
🛑 Alan, a popular Christian YouTuber, sugarcoats and waters down his teachings while affirming false teachers.
😡 Mike Winger, another Christian YouTuber, holds false theology and affirms false teachers.
📺 Some Christian YouTube channels may not be trustworthy and should be unsubscribed from.
👨🏫 One channel host named Mike is criticized for not having solid biblical knowledge and for exaggerating his research.
📚 The Bible Project is accused of mixing truth with error and teaching questionable theology.
🌍 Jesus's teachings were influenced by Eastern mysticism and included reciting Psalms to connect with God.
⚖️ In Christ, there is no distinction based on sexual orientation or gender, emphasizing the equality of all individuals.
🔥 The idea of hell is viewed as a creation of humans, not something made by God.
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