📝 Every paragraph consists of a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
💡 The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph, while the supporting sentences provide examples and explanation.
✅ The concluding sentence gives closure to the paragraph and signals the transition to the next topic.
📚 A strong topic sentence is crucial for an effective paragraph.
💡 A strong topic sentence has a clear topic and main idea.
🤔 Topic sentences can vary in strength, and it is important to choose the strongest one.
📚 The importance of strong topic sentences in paragraph structure.
🔍 Avoiding overly specific or broad topic sentences.
💡 Ensuring topic sentences are complete and focused.
💡 Topic sentences should state opinions or main ideas rather than announcing the topic.
💡 Revised topic sentences provide clear positions, specific details, and complete thoughts.
💡 Avoid announcing what will be discussed in the paragraph.
✨ Paragraph structure is important for organizing ideas in writing.
🔑 A well-structured paragraph consists of a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
📚 Transitions help to connect paragraphs and create a coherent flow of ideas.
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