🔑 The principle of polarity states that everything has poles and a pair of opposites.
💡 Opposites are identical in nature but differ in degree.
📜 This principle is based on old hermetic axioms.
The Principle of Polarity states that opposites are identical in nature but differ in degree.
All truths are but half-truths.
Everything has two poles that are opposite aspects of the same thing.
🔄 Heat and cold are not absolute, but rather varying degrees of the same thing.
⚖️ Heat and cold represent the poles of the principle of polarity.
🌓 Light and darkness are also manifestations of the principle of polarity.
🔑 The Principle of Polarity explains the paradoxes between opposites, such as light and dark, noise and quiet, and positive and negative.
💡 The principle also applies to the mental plane, where love and hate are not completely different but exist on a spectrum with degrees of intensity.
🧠 There is a middle point between liking and disliking, where the terms can blend together and we may be unsure of our preference.
✨ By using certain medicines, it is possible to change one's vibrations from hate to love.
⚖️ Good and evil are two poles of the same thing, and the art of mental alchemy is to transmute evil into good through the principle of polarity.
🔮 Ancient and modern masters understood and practiced the art of polarization, which is a form of mental alchemy.
📚 The Principle of Polarity is a concept discussed in the Kybalion, which teaches that one can change their own polarity and the polarity of others through dedicated study and practice.
⚖️ The Principle of Polarity emphasizes the existence of opposites and duality in all aspects of existence, highlighting the interconnectedness and interdependence of these opposites.
🌀 Through understanding and harnessing the Principle of Polarity, individuals can achieve balance and harmony in their lives, leading to personal growth and transformation.
⚖️ The Principle of Polarity states that everything has two poles or opposites.
🌓 These opposites are necessary for growth, transformation, and balance.
☯️ Understanding and harnessing the Principle of Polarity can lead to personal and spiritual development.
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