🎯 The lexical analyzer scans high-level language code line by line and produces tokens as output.
🔑 Tokens can be classified into several categories, such as identifiers, operators, constants, keywords, literals, punctuators, and special characters.
🔍 The lexical analyzer uses regular expressions or type 3 grammars to recognize tokens.
🔍 The lexical analyzer is responsible for analyzing the input and generating tokens.
🔄 The analyzing phase involves using a finite state machine to recognize keywords, identifiers, and integers.
🔢 For integers, the lexical analyzer identifies positive or negative signs followed by a sequence of digits.
💡 Lexical analyzer combines individual finite state machines into a single finite state machine.
🔍 The lexical analyzer recognizes keywords, identifiers, and integers.
🔄 The NFA is converted to an equivalent DFA for implementation.
💡 Lexical analyzer uses states to recognize identifiers.
🔍 Transition from state 1 to 3 recognizes identifiers except 'i'.
🔢 Transition from initial state to state 4 recognizes single digit integers.
🔍 The lexical analyzer uses a DFA for pattern matching.
🔑 The final states of the DFA recognize different tokens: keyword, identifiers, and integers.
🚀 Knowledge of NFA, conversion to DFA, and DFA minimization is required to construct DFAs.
🔍 The lexical analyzer identifies and removes comments from the high-level language code, using patterns such as double slashes and slash stars.
⌨️ White spaces, including spaces, tabs, new lines, and more, are recognized and eliminated by the lexical analyzer during scanning.
🔄 The lexical analyzer also supports macro expansion in high-level language code.
The lexical analyzer assigns values to macros in the code and creates entries for identifiers in the symbol table.
The lexical analyzer produces tokens and passes them to the syntax analyzer for parsing.
The lexical analyzer and the syntax analyzer communicate frequently during the parsing process.
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