📋 The video introduces a new project or group of projects called checklists.
📚 The idea of creating checklists is mentioned in the setup guide for GTD (Getting Things Done).
💡 Checklists are useful for collecting and organizing specific tasks or items.
⭐ The GTD system emphasizes the importance of the weekly review, which focuses on checking tasks and projects regularly.
📅 A key task to include in the checklist is asking the question 'What's the next action on all projects?' to ensure each project has a clear next step.
🔍 The speaker acknowledges the importance of staying focused on the next action and avoiding projects with no defined tasks.
✅ The weekly review in Todoist helps organize tasks for the upcoming week.
📚 Books to buy can be transferred into a project in Todoist.
❌ Unused projects can be deleted in Todoist.
📅 The speaker uses Todoist to add dates to music releases mentioned in podcasts or online.
🗂️ Checklist Folder is a project in Todoist to keep track of books, music, and courses that the speaker wants to explore later.
✨ The Checklist Folder helps keep things organized and accessible for future reference.
📚 The video discusses the benefits of using Todoist for managing tasks and to-do lists.
🗂️ The concept of using a Checklist Folder in Todoist is introduced as a way to organize and categorize tasks.
🔗 The video provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and utilize Checklist Folders in Todoist.
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