🔍 Learn how to review completed tasks in Todoist to assess your productivity.
↩️ Discover how to uncomplete a task in Todoist if you accidentally mark it as completed.
🔁 Use the undo button in Todoist to restore a task that was inadvertently marked as completed.
🔍 You can review all the tasks that you've completed by accessing the karma settings.
📈 The speaker has completed 7835 tasks since they started using Todoist.
🔄 The speaker restarted their task count to demonstrate how to set up Todoist.
📚 The Todoist app allows users to review completed tasks from different time periods and load more history.
🔍 Users can filter completed tasks by specific projects and access task details from a particular date.
⏪ The task history in Todoist can go back up to 110 days, although the user has been using it for about 2-3 years.
📌 Todoist allows users to view completed tasks and labels, providing a way to review past work.
🔍 Users can access a list of completed tasks from the past few days to see what they have completed.
🔀 It is not possible to restore a completed task, but the completed tasks list is available for reference.
💼 Reviewing completed tasks in Todoist
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