🐝 Bees have a complex society and teamwork that has helped them survive for millions of years.
🏰 Each bee has a specific role and responsibility in the hive, such as building, repairing, protecting, cleaning, and gathering food.
👥🔒 Guard bees play a crucial role in allowing only bees from their own colony into the hive, using smell and inspections.
🐝 The hive entrance is coated with propolis, a substance produced by bees to fight infections and cure health problems.
🍯 Honeycombs made of beeswax are used to store food, pollen, and honey, with different types of cells for eggs and larvae.
👑 Finding the queen bee is a challenging task in the hive.
🐝 The majority of bees in a beehive are workers, each with their own task, such as foraging.
💃 Bees communicate the location and richness of nectar through a precise dance, consisting of straight lines and figure eights.
🌻 The duration and intensity of the dance indicate the distance and amount of nectar, respectively.
🐝 Worker bees communicate through dance to signal the need for foraging.
🍯 Bees transform nectar into honey through a process of ripening.
👶 Worker bees go through different stages of development and perform various tasks within the hive.
🐝 Bees perform various roles in the hive, including delivering pollen, nectar, resin, and water.
🏥 Some worker bees act as doctors, providing different types of honey to sick bees.
🌡️ Temperature control bees regulate the hive's temperature to ensure optimal conditions for egg hatching.
🐝 Drones are male bees in the hive whose only purpose is to mate with the queen and care for her.
🏠 Worker bees kick drones out of the hive during food shortages or winter.
👑 The queen bee is the most important bee in the hive as she can lay eggs and her pheromones influence the mood of the entire hive.
🐝 The queen bee mates with drones and starts laying eggs every 20 seconds, resulting in a large population of bees in the hive.
👑 When the hive becomes too big, the queen bee leads a swarm of worker bees to find a new home.
🌟 A new queen bee hatches from an egg in the hive eight days later.
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