🎭 Jin Ha plays Song Lilong, a Beijing opera performer in M. Butterfly who has a relationship with a French diplomat and is later revealed to be a spy.
🎶 Jin Ha's preparation for the role involves listening to music, particularly jazz, during his makeup routine.
💪 Music helps Jin Ha settle down and prepare for his warmups and stretching before performing.
💄 Getting makeup done and settling into the role has been surprising.
🎭 Learning and utilizing various skills for the show, including singing, fight choreography, dance choreography, and quick changes backstage.
📚 Being fulfilled and challenged as a storyteller, sharing a relevant story for Asian American experiences.
🎭 Jin Ha discusses the universal tale of social oppression and trauma experienced by marginalized people.
💄 Jin Ha feels beautiful when seeing himself in full makeup before stepping on stage.
🌟 Jin Ha prepares for the stage by taking a deep breath and loosening up his body.
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