🌿 Broccoli leaves and kohlrabi are the new trending veggies.
🌾 Kohlrabi has grassroots support and more experience in the vegetable world.
🌊 Dulse seaweed is a surprise front runner with a taste like bacon.
🥕 Broccoli leaves are the latest trending veggie.
🌱 Broccoli leaves are packed with powerful antioxidants and vitamins A and C.
⚔️ Broccoli leaves have twice the amount of calcium as kale.
🥦 Broccoli leaves are nutrient-packed and versatile, and they can be bought inexpensively.
👅 Broccoli leaves have a mild taste and can be paired well with other foods.
🥬 Kohlrabi is a low-calorie vegetable that is anti-aging and can help prevent wrinkles and fine lines.
🥦 Broccoli leaves are loaded with vitamin C and can be eaten raw or sauteed.
🥗 Eating the leaves and root of broccoli provides collagen production and offers versatility in cooking.
🥬 Dulse is a flavorful ingredient with a distinctive taste.
🌿 Kale is an ocean vegetable and is highly mineral-rich.
🥓 When coated in bacon fat, kale tastes like bacon.
🥦 The speaker prefers broccoli leaves over other vegetables.
🥗 The video discusses different veggies for optimal health and wellness.
🌿 The panelists talk about their favorite veggies, including radishes and leafy greens.
🗳️ Viewers are encouraged to vote for the next trending vegetable on doctoroz.com.
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