✨ Even a snail has a dream at the end of the vast sea.
🌊 It is important to find your own dream and not borrow someone else's.
🌟 Follow your own path and don't be influenced by others' expectations.
🐋 Even the whale searches for love and even a square has a dream.
💭 Having a dream gives opportunities and it's important not to be ignored.
🌊 One should follow their own path and not conform to societal expectations.
🎵 The song is about breaking free from societal expectations and following your own path.
🥚 The lyrics compare the desire for freedom to a languidly fried egg.
🌊 The singer emphasizes the importance of flowing along their own waves and not being pushed by others.
PKN Seri 3 (edisi revisi) Ideologi Pancasila diantara Ideologi lain di Dunia
Diagrama de árbol | Ejemplo 1
¿Qué son las ciencias sociales? - Abramos la Academia / Capítulo 1
My Sister Copies Everything I Do, But I Made Her Regret It
¿Qué tan importante es la herencia genética en nuestra personalidad?
DO NOT conform to this world... QUANTUM LEAP instead!