🔑 Happy people have cultivated habits that contribute to their happiness.
🌍 60% of happiness is determined by environment and genetics, while 40% is within our control.
😄 The most frequent human emotion is joy, followed by love and anxiety.
🔑 Accept the positives in life and focus on what is good, acknowledge gratitude.
😊 Avoid faking a smile and only smile when genuinely feeling positive emotions.
🌞 Develop habits that promote happiness and frequent positive emotions.
⭐️ Hold on to your passions and make time for activities that make you happy.
❤️ Surround yourself with people you genuinely enjoy and love.
🌟 Engage in volunteer work and give back to others.
✨ Giving back to others can improve mental and physical health.
😄 Finding joy in simple moments leads to happiness.
🌟 Acting in a charitable way can activate a euphoric state in the brain.
🙂 Consciously trying to be happy improves emotional well-being.
🔍 Finding purpose in life leads to happiness and fulfillment.
🌱 Practicing resilience is essential for happiness.
🌈 Even the happiest people face hardships, but they foster resilience and climb out of sadness.
💬 Happy people value real conversations and expressing their true feelings.
😊 Substantive conversations lead to more satisfaction compared to small talk.
😊 There are 10 habits that happy people practice in their daily lives.
💡 Implementing these habits can lead to a happier life.
🎥 The video quotes 'happiness is just a teardrop away' from the movie Shrek 2.
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