🌊 The deep ocean currents bring nutrients from the depths to the island, allowing life to flourish.
🏝️ Isolated seamounts like the one found in the Pacific Ocean create oases where life can thrive in the open ocean.
🌍 The nearest land is 300 miles away from the island, emphasizing its isolation.
The upwellings in the ocean attract a lot of life.
The fish in this area feed on plankton.
The plankton attracts visitors from the open ocean.
Silky sharks are attracted to sea mounts in the eastern Pacific and gather in large groups.
Silky sharks specialize in taking injured fish and are constantly circling sea mounts.
Hammerheads also gather in large numbers at sea mounts, sometimes in the thousands.
🦈 Sharks visit sea mounts for a cleaning service after suffering from fungal infections due to a rise in water temperatures.
🌊 The number of hammerhead sharks visiting the sea mounts reached record levels after the last El Nino year.
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