🔑 Albúmina is a protein that is produced by animals or organisms and has multiple functions.
🩸 It helps maintain blood pressure and can detoxify harmful substances in the body.
💊 Albúmina can be measured in blood as a marker of liver disease and can be used as a medication, particularly in patients with cirrhosis.
🧪 Albúmina is a protein that is used in the treatment of various conditions, including peritonitis, kidney failure, low blood pressure, and dehydration.
⚠️ There are some contraindications for the use of albúmina, such as fluid overload, heart failure, electrolyte imbalances, and allergies.
✅ Overall, albúmina is generally well tolerated and is a commonly used medication.
📚 The administration of albúmina can lead to complications, especially if the dosage is excessive.
⚠️ Complications may include pulmonary or cardiac congestion, which can be dangerous for patients with cirrhosis.
💉 Additionally, the use of a catheter for albúmina administration can also result in complications.
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