🎮 The next generation of gaming systems, such as the PS5 and Xbox Project Scarlett, are emphasizing the upgrade from a traditional hard drive to an SSD.
⚡ The method in which data is saved on gaming consoles is often under-appreciated, but upgrading to an SSD can greatly improve loading times and overall performance.
🔃 You don't have to wait for next generation consoles to experience the benefits of an SSD, as they can be used on current consoles such as the Xbox One and PS4.
🔑 Games have increased in size due to big open world concepts and 4K textures.
📁 Initial storage capacity of PS4 and Xbox One is insufficient for game libraries.
💾 Portable SSDs can be used to increase storage capacity for PS4 and Xbox One.
📺 Using a portable SSD like the T5 can significantly improve loading times compared to internal hard drives.
⚡️ SSDs are much faster than traditional hard drives, giving a preview of the speed of next-gen systems.
⏰ Loading times for games like Red Dead Redemption 2 can be reduced by almost half when using a T5 SSD.
🔥 SSDs are much faster than old school hard drives because they rely on microchips instead of moving parts.
💡 SSDs are smaller and more durable than old school hard drives.
📦🎮 Using a T5 portable SSD allows you to have a large storage size and faster loading times, and you can easily move it between multiple gaming systems.
🎮 Games are getting larger in size due to factors like 4K textures and expansions.
📚 The speaker's library of 14 games on a one terabyte hard drive is already full.
🔽 Assassin's Creed Odyssey DLC alone adds 30 gigs, making it a 100 gigabyte game.
🎮 Games with large file sizes limit the number of games that can be installed on a console.
💿 Physical game discs no longer reduce the storage space required for games.
💡 Next-gen consoles will use SSDs and be compatible with current consoles.
🎮 You can transfer your entire game library from your current system to the next generation console using a Samsung T5 SSD.
📷 The Samsung T5 SSD is also used for data transfer and editing in filmmaking, making the editing process easier and more convenient.
💾 Gaming technology has greatly improved in terms of storage, and the Samsung T5 SSD is a great option for taking advantage of these advancements.
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