🔑 Replicon is a SaaS based software company that offers a time tracking and project management solution hosted on AWS.
🔒 Users are onboarded to a shared multi-tenant system and their data is stored in the Aurora system encrypted at rest using Replicon's platform provided KMS key.
🏢 Enterprise users have more compliant regulatory needs and have a separate system for accessing Replicon's services.
🔒 Replicon offers a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution with BYOK Encryption for Enterprises.
🔑 Enterprise users can provision their own AWS KMS CMK and share it with Replicon.
💾 Data is encrypted at rest in a separate database server for enhanced security.
🔑 Using their own KMS keys emphasizes a shared security model.
💵 Onboarding customers with their own Aurora systems incurs higher costs.
🔒 Customers are responsible for maintaining availability of the KMS key.
🔑 Allowing customers to manage and own their encryption keys for data stored in the system.
🏢 Enabling a multi-tenant capability for customers to retain control of their keys.
💼 Separation of concerns for compliance regulations.
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