Master the art of negotiation: Secrets from an FBI hostage negotiator

Former FBI hostage negotiator shares techniques for successful negotiation in business and personal situations.

00:00:00 Former FBI hostage negotiator shares techniques for successful negotiation in business and personal situations.

🔑 Negotiation skills from FBI hostage negotiators can be applied to business and personal negotiations.

🏦 Intense situations don't change people's decision-making patterns.

🎯 Emotional intelligence is crucial in negotiations to calm people down and influence their decisions.

00:01:08 Learn the importance of emotional intelligence in negotiations and how it can lead to successful deals and long-term relationships.

🤝 Successful negotiations are not based on logic or arguments, but on emotional intelligence.

đź’° Neglecting emotional intelligence in negotiations can result in leaving millions of dollars on the table.

đź’” People often mistake negotiation for conflict, but it is actually about understanding and addressing the other person's passions and interests.

00:02:18 Understand the other side's emotions and feed it back to them to show understanding. Tactical empathy helps understand their driving factors and why they won't make a deal. Losing $5 stings at least twice as much as gaining $5.

🤝 Understanding the other party's perspective and emotions is crucial in a negotiation.

đź’ˇ Being understood is often more important than getting what you want in a negotiation.

đź’Ľ The reasons for not making a deal are usually more significant than the reasons for making a deal.

00:03:33 Learn tactical empathy and the power of labeling in negotiations to diffuse fears and shift to rational thinking.

🔑 Fear of loss drives decision-making in negotiations.

🔑 Tactically using empathy and labeling helps diffuse fears and open the mind.

🔑 Taking a preemptive approach to negative thinking reduces barriers in communication.

00:04:44 Learn the art of 'listeners judo' - listening for what people care about and what they're against in negotiations. Find the negative to every positive and the positive to every negative.

đź‘‚ Active listening goes beyond just listening, it involves understanding what people care about and what they're against.

🔄 Every positive has a negative side and every negative has a positive side.

🤝 By recognizing the yin and yang of every situation, you can effectively guide a discussion in negotiation.

00:05:51 Former FBI hostage chief shares valuable negotiation strategies while highlighting the impact of positive communication during customer service interactions.

đź“ž Customer service representatives often face difficult situations and may not be interested in prolonging conversations.

🤝 Perceiving someone as lucky to be speaking with you can create a sense of generosity and goodwill.

⏱️ Expressing appreciation for someone's time can positively impact the outcome of a conversation.

00:06:53 Former FBI hostage chief Chris Voss shares a powerful tip for winning negotiations: be nice to people and give them a chance. They may surprise you with what they're willing to do.

🔑 Being nice to people can often lead to favorable outcomes.

🔑 By giving people a chance and treating them well, they are more likely to help you.

🔑 The speaker shares a personal story about getting a refund on a ticket by being nice to the customer service representative.

Summary of a video "How to win a negotiation, with former FBI hostage chief Chris Voss" by Big Think on YouTube.

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