Build a SaaS AI Platform with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe | Full Tutorial 2023

Learn how to build a SaaS AI platform using Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

00:00:00 In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a full stack SaaS AI platform using Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe. The tutorial covers building five different AI tools, implementing user subscriptions, adding authentication, and creating a landing page.

🎥 In this tutorial, Antonio teaches how to build a full stack software as a service AI platform and demonstrates five different AI tools.

🔒 The tutorial covers authentication using Clerk and provides instructions on how to implement it in the application.

🔧 Antonio shows how to set up the application using Next.js, React, Tailwind, and Prisma, and explains how to integrate Stripe for free and subscription tiers.

00:31:13 Build a SaaS AI Platform with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe | Full Tutorial 2023.

📝 The video tutorial is about building a SaaS AI platform using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

📚 The tutorial covers creating a sign-up and sign-in page, adding environment variables for authentication, creating protected and public routes, and designing a dashboard layout.

💻 The tutorial also demonstrates how to customize the authentication flow using Clerk, create a responsive mobile sidebar, and integrate a sheet component for the sidebar.

01:07:42 Create a Next.js application with a dashboard page and a conversation page. Implement a form with input field and button to generate AI-generated text using OpenAI API.

🎥 The video is about building a SaaS AI platform using Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

💻 The tutorial covers topics like dynamic class names, creating routes, creating a dashboard page, implementing authentication, creating a conversation page, and building a form with validation.

🔑 The viewer is guided through creating an account with Open AI, generating an API key, and using it to connect to the Open AI API for generating responses.

01:45:52 Build an AI-powered SaaS platform using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe. Includes code generation and image generation functionalities.

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02:23:39 Build a SaaS AI Platform with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe | Full Tutorial 2023.

🔧 Build a SaaS AI platform with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

🖼️ Users can choose options to create images, generate music, and create videos.

📱 The platform is responsive and works on both desktop and mobile devices.

03:00:15 Learn how to build a SaaS AI platform using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe. Implement API limits for free users and create a functionality to limit them to five uses.

The video demonstrates how to use an AI model called zeroscope to generate realistic-looking videos.

🔒 The tutorial shows how to implement API limits for free users by using Prisma to track and restrict the number of times they can use the AI tools.

💻 Next, the video explains how to set up a server using Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS, and how to connect it to a database using Prisma.

03:35:37 Create a SaaS AI platform using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe. Add premium variant, implement server and client components, and integrate Stripe for subscription creation.

📋 Adding premium variant to the UI component

👏 Refreshing server components with new data

🛰 Creating a pro model and integrating with the API

04:11:12 Build a SaaS AI Platform with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe | Full Tutorial 2023

📝 The tutorial is about building a SaaS AI platform using Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

⚙️ The video covers how to integrate Stripe for billing, including creating a customer portal and handling webhooks.

💻 The tutorial also demonstrates how to manage user subscriptions and check if a user is subscribed to the Pro plan.

04:53:55 Learn how to build a SaaS AI platform using Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe. Implement user authentication, subscription plans, AI model generation, and customer support.

📺 Build a SaaS AI Platform using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe

🚀 Implemented authentication and subscription functionality

🔧 Fixed UI issues and generation problems

💬 Integrated customer support with Crisp chat

💻 Created a landing page for the platform

🌐 Deployed the application using Vercel

Summary of a video "Build a SaaS AI Platform with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe | Full Tutorial 2023" by Code With Antonio on YouTube.

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