A Look at the Latest Features and Plugins in Obsidian

Obsidian 1.10 brings new commands and sync settings, with canvas view now available on mobile and tablet. Explore various plugins for managing files, adding colors, and more.

00:00:00 Obsidian 1.10 Insider build brings canvas commands and sync settings. Mobile and tablet versions now have canvas view. New plugins include aggregator, audio notes, auto scroll, archive box, canvas presentation, canvas note random, checklist reset, and contacts.

πŸ”₯ The recent release of Obsidian 1.10 Insider build introduced several new features, including canvas commands and sync settings.

πŸ“± The mobile and tablet versions of Obsidian now include canvas view, allowing users to access and view content on-the-go.

🧩 Numerous new plugins were introduced, such as aggregator, audio notes, auto scroll, archive box, canvas presentation, canvas note randomization, checklist reset, and contacts.

00:02:49 A review of various Obsidian plugins, including contacts, chord lyrics, breadcrumbs, Clipper, D2 diagrams, dmn diagrams, external link opener, and external link helper.

πŸ“‚ You can organize and sort contacts in Obsidian using the Contacts section, and rename files to match the names of the people.

🎡 The Chord Lyrics plugin allows musicians to add lyrics and chords to code blocks.

πŸ”— The Obsidian Clipper allows you to easily clip and link web pages to your daily notes.

πŸ“ The D2 and DMN plugins enable diagram creation and formatting within Obsidian.

🌐 The External Link Opener and External Link Helper plugins provide options for opening and searching for external links within Obsidian.

00:05:39 A video showcasing various plugins for Obsidian, including ones for managing external links, organizing files, adding colors, fuzzy searching tags, searching Google Photos, generating text with GPT3, and using the Hints Flow plugin.

πŸ” The video introduces a command that allows users to search for external links within Obsidian.

πŸ“‚ The file Checker plugin moves external link files to a folder and moves to the next file, providing convenience.

🎨 The file color plugin allows users to assign colors to files and folders for better organization.

00:08:29 Discover a variety of Obsidian plugins, including hints for quick capture, Hugo preview for embedding, keyshots for hotkeys, local images plus for saving images, math Jacks Wikileaks for mathematical equations, mermaid tools for creating diagrams, mind map plugin for visualizing hierarchies, and open gate for saving and viewing websites within Obsidian.

πŸ’‘ Obsidian plugins like hints, Hugo preview, keyshots, local images plus, math Jacks Wikileaks, mermaid tools, mind map plugin, open gate, and paste URL into selection offer various functionalities to enhance the user experience.

βš™οΈ Hints plugin allows users to send messages from external apps to Obsidian, while Hugo preview enables users to preview Hugo content within Obsidian. Keyshots provide a multitude of hotkeys, while local images plus allows for the saving of images locally. Math Jacks Wikileaks and mermaid tools assist with mathematical functions, and the mind map plugin helps with visual organization. Open gate allows users to save and view websites within Obsidian, and paste URL into selection provides a convenient feature for adding links.

🌐 Foreign language rejection in settings automates the translation of linked words, adding convenience to the user's experience.

00:11:19 This video explores various Obsidian plugins, including paste as HTML, Pro Zen, quote share, read later, review notes, set in obsidian, and surfing. It also discusses obsidian stylus for changing the look of Obsidian.

πŸ”— The video introduces the 'Paste as HTML' plugin, which allows programmers and developers to view the HTML of web pages.

βœ’οΈ The 'Pro Zen' plugin provides a distraction-free environment for long-form writing, with customizable opacity, scale, and text.

πŸ—’οΈ The 'Quote Share' plugin allows content creators to highlight text, create an image with predefined colors, and share it online.

00:14:09 This video explores various Obsidian plugins, including spoiler blocks, sync graph settings, transcription, translation, terminal plugin, text dataset aid, text extractor, sort to-do list, and toggle case.

πŸ’‘ The video introduces various Obsidian plugins and their functionalities.

πŸ”’ The spoiler block plugin allows you to hide and reveal text, useful for keeping certain information private during screen sharing.

🌐 The transcription and translation plugins provide AI-powered tools for transcribing videos and translating text.

πŸ’» The terminal plugin allows running terminal commands within Obsidian, but it may not be commonly used by most users.

πŸ“Έ The text extractor plugin can extract text from images and convert it into editable content.

βœ… The sort plugin allows sorting to-do lists based on specified order and automatically pushes completed or uncompleted items to the top.

⬆️ The toggle case plugin can change the case of selected words between uppercase, lowercase, or sentence case.

00:16:59 This video explores various Obsidian plugins, including auto correct, long form, wordy word, Wacona, whacker time, and web page HTML export.

πŸ” Obsidian has a command set as a hotkey for auto-correcting file suggestions when typing.

πŸ“ The writing plugin in Obsidian allows you to manage files, metadata, and word count goals.

πŸ“– The long form plugin in Obsidian organizes files into chapters and shows word count.

πŸ“š Wordy Word plugin in Obsidian helps find synonyms for writing improvement.

⏰ Whacker Time plugin brings in time tracking tool to Obsidian.

πŸ’» Obsidian allows exporting files to HTML using a web page HTML export plugin.

Summary of a video "So many Obsidian plugins!" by Danny Hatcher on YouTube.

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