🔍 This lab investigates the Big Bang Theory and tests if the universe is expanding.
⚗️ To conduct the lab, you need a marker, a balloon, a ruler, and a piece of string.
🔢 Blow up the balloon a little bit, mark four dots on it, and label them with the letters H, A, B, and C.
🔢 Measure the distances between points on a curved surface using a string and ruler.
📝 Record the distances in centimeters on paper.
💨 Inflate the balloon after completing the measurements.
📏 Measure the distance from H to F and record it in centimeters on paper.
🎈 Inflate the balloon three times and measure the distance from H to A each time.
✏️ Record all measurements on paper in centimeters.
📏 The distance between the dots changed as the balloon increased in size.
🌌 This change in distance provides insights into the expansion or shrinking of the earth and the universe.
🌍 The dots closer to each other changed more than the ones further away.
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