Obsidian Publish vs Free Alternative: Features, Set Up, and Comparison

Explore a free alternative to Obsidian Publish with Jekyll and Netlify, offering customizations, easy syncing, and GitHub integration.

00:00:00 Discover a free alternative to Obsidian Publish and explore its features, including syncing options and setup guide. Compare it to the paid version and learn which option is right for you.

πŸ’‘ Obsidian Publish is a paid service that allows users to share their notes online, but the cost may be a deterrent for some.

πŸ” There is a free alternative to Obsidian Publish, which the speaker will discuss in the video.

πŸ’» The free alternative uses markdown files and offers syncing options and a setup guide.

00:02:53 Discover a free alternative to Obsidian Publish using Jekyll and Netlify. Create your own digital garden with customizations and easy syncing of files.

πŸ“š Creating digital gardens using Jekyll and Markdown.

🌐 Using GitHub and Netlify for website hosting and content distribution.

πŸ’» Syncing files and setting up a local version of Jekyll.

00:05:46 Exploring different options to manage files in Obsidian, including using the GitHub desktop app for syncing and publishing notes, and considering the challenges of managing multiple vaults.

πŸ“‚ Different ways to edit and sync files in GitHub

πŸ–₯️ Using the GitHub desktop app to manage files locally

πŸ” Considerations for managing multiple vaults and privacy

πŸ“±πŸ’» Challenges of syncing files between mobile and desktop

00:08:37 Creating an alternative to Obsidian Publish using a folder synchronization system with GitHub. Set up a private repository, preview the content, and create a new site on Netlify.

πŸ“š The video discusses an alternative to Obsidian Publish for publishing notes online.

πŸ’» The speaker explains their own system for syncing and updating notes using GitHub and Hazel.

πŸ”§ The process of setting up the alternative system is demonstrated, involving using a Jekyll template and Netlify.

00:11:29 Discover a free alternative to Obsidian Publish and explore its features, including connecting with GitHub, custom domains, and YAML front matter.

πŸ”‘ Using GitHub to connect and deploy a website with customized settings.

πŸ’» Editing and customizing the website's index page and YAML front matter.

🌱 Exploring the concept of a digital garden and its implementation using Jekyll.

00:14:18 A video compares a free alternative to Obsidian Publish and demonstrates how to set it up and make changes. Includes syncing with iCloud.

πŸ“ Creating and committing changes in Obsidian Publish can be confusing.

πŸ“„ Obsidian Publish allows users to manually upload and display files.

πŸ”„ Using GitHub Desktop, users can sync their Obsidian Publish repository with their local folder.

00:17:09 Exploring a free alternative to Obsidian Publish and comparing it with Github and Netlify. Despite the advantages of the free solution, the convenience of Obsidian Publish and support for the developers make it worth paying for.

πŸ“‚ The video discusses the process of saving files into iCloud and using GitHub and Netlify for deployment.

πŸ”„ It explains how to force reload changes in Netlify and addresses the issue of changes not displaying correctly.

πŸ’° The speaker weighs the advantages and disadvantages of using GitHub and Netlify for free versus paying for Obsidian Publish.

Summary of a video "Free Obsidian Publish Alternative!?! How does it compare?" by Chris J Wilson on YouTube.

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