⭐️ Increasing rider satisfaction leads to better ratings and more tips.
💡 Installing lights in your car can improve rider perspective and perceived value.
🚗 This simple trick is cost-effective and doesn't require additional amenities like water or candy.
🚗 Enhancing the rider experience to improve ratings and tips.
💡 Using custom lights to increase the perceived value of the ride.
🔌 Finding lights on Amazon to add a personalized touch.
🚗 Adding lights and door projectors to your car can increase ratings and tips as it provides a perceived value to riders.
🌈 Using lights that rotate through different colors and door projectors that display a logo on the ground can create a positive and visually appealing experience for passengers.
💡 The speaker shared their personal experience of installing lights and door projectors, specifically using a rotating light system and a jeep logo, which had a positive impact on passengers' impression.
⭐ Adding lights to the car increased the driver's ratings and tips.
💡 The lights provided a perceived value to the passengers, making the driver stand out.
💲 The lights were a cost-effective investment, resulting in improved ratings and tips.
🚗 Customizing the lights in your Lyft or Uber car can increase ratings and tips.
💡 By using affordable and easy-to-install lamps with millions of color options, drivers can create a unique and visually appealing experience for passengers.
🔍 The customized lights also make it easier for riders to locate dropped items and navigate in and out of the car.
💡 Installing lights in the car can have a huge impact on Lyft and Uber drivers' ratings and tips.
🔌 Installing the lights is a simple and easy process that involves sticking them up underneath the car and hiding the wires.
❓ The video encourages drivers to share what they do to stand out from the rest and offer a unique experience to riders.
🚗 Sharing your ride and leaving comments can lead to a future critique video.
👍 Encourage drivers to drive safely and increase ratings and tips.
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Entrevista a Karin Abensur para la revista Pesca Responsable