📊 Correlation is a statistical measure of the linear relationship between two variables.
🔢 The correlation coefficient is used to quantify the strength and direction of the correlation.
🌍 Correlation has real-life applications in various fields such as economics and social sciences.
Positive correlation is when two variables increase or decrease in the same direction.
Negative correlation is when two variables change in opposing directions.
The correlation coefficient (r) measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables.
🔑 Positive correlation exists when r is equal to 0.
🚫 Correlation does not provide complete insights; mean and standard deviation are important parameters to consider.
💻 Real-life applications of correlation include analyzing user behavior on e-commerce websites and monitoring patient blood pressure.
🌡️❄️🍦 There is a strong correlation between temperature and sales of ice cream.
📈 When the temperature increases, the sales of ice cream also increase.
📉 When the temperature decreases, the sales of ice cream decrease.
📺 Correlation is a statistical measure that quantifies the relationship between two variables.
📊 There are different types of correlation, including positive, negative, and zero correlation.
🔢 The correlation coefficient is a value that ranges from -1 to 1 and represents the strength and direction of the correlation.
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