🔑 The key to empowering men in the #MeToo age is to judge individuals based on their actions, not collective stereotypes.
🚫 Labeling certain groups, such as white heterosexual Christian males, as inherently guilty is a form of prejudice and bigotry.
✅ It is important to hold individuals accountable for their own actions and not generalize beliefs about entire genders or groups.
🔑 The belief that all men and women should be believed in cases of sexual misconduct is hypocritical and untenable.
💡 Many individuals who advocate for believing all women backtrack when faced with accusations against men they support.
⚠️ The societal impact of this belief is harmful, particularly for young white men who feel unfairly accused and ostracized.
📚 Women are now free from involuntary reproduction.
⚠️ The 60s brought experimentation and a decline in traditional values.
💔 Promiscuous sex has had negative consequences for families and health.
❓ The complexities of sex, consent, and societal norms are being debated.
💍 In the past, the rule was to wait until marriage to have sex.
🔑 The current approach to discussing consent is ineffective and relies on mobbing individuals who seem untoward.
🍺 Addressing alcohol consumption can significantly decrease campus rape incidents.
🔞 The radical left's paradoxical stance allows for extreme sexual expression while enforcing strict consent rules.
🔑 Emotional and psychological intimacy should be connected to sex and consent in long-term relationships.
📚 Some radical perspectives in the anti-sexual abuse movement consider regret as evidence of non-consent.
💡 There is a need for a serious conversation about what constitutes consent and the consequences of our actions.
💡 There is a strong cultural inclination towards long-term monogamy, and deviating from it can have consequences.
🔑 Making important decisions about long-term relationships and sexual behavior during youth requires caution.
🌍 The push for strict consent policies is coming from unexpected sources, primarily the radical left.
🔑 Despite reliable birth control, we need to re-learn the acceptable rules of sexual relationships.
💬 Don't engage in any physical activity if you're not comfortable talking about it.
⚠️ There are emotional and relational harms in engaging in premature physical relationships.
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