Adding Chatbots to Websites with Flowise AI Embed API

Learn how to add a customer service chatbot to a website using Flowise AI's Embed API.

00:00:00 Learn how to add a customer service chatbot to a website using Flowise AI. The chatbot can assist visitors with questions about products, operating hours, and more.

馃 The video explains how to add a customer service chatbot to a website using Flowise AI.

馃捈 The chatbot is trained on the business's information and can assist visitors with questions about the business.

馃挕 The chatbot can reduce the number of queries sent to the client and increase sales by making product recommendations.

00:02:21 Tutorial on adding chatbots to websites using Flowise AI Embed API, including creating chat flows, integrating language models, and connecting with Pine Cone API.

馃摑 The tutorial focuses on adding chatbots to websites using the Embed API.

鉁忥笍 Two chat flows are created: one for uploading business data to Pine Cone and another for integrating the chatbot into the website.

馃攽 Various API keys and settings, such as the language model, Pine Cone Vector store, and document loader, are added to the chat flows.

00:04:44 Learn how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API in this Flowise AI tutorial. Generate business information and frequently asked questions using ChatGPT, upload training files, and create a chatbot to answer visitors' questions.

馃攽 The video demonstrates how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API.

馃挕 The tutorial shows how to generate business information and FAQs for training the chatbot.

馃摑 The process involves uploading a training file, executing the chat flow, and confirming the data upload.

00:07:07 This tutorial demonstrates how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API. It covers connecting to Pine Cone, adding API keys and embedding OpenAI. Testing and integrating with a website is also shown.

馃挕 The video explains how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API.

馃捇 The steps involved in adding the chatbot include connecting nodes, adding API keys, and saving the chat flow.

馃寪 To embed the chatbot in a website, some changes need to be made to the index file.

00:09:32 Learn how to add chatbots to your website using the Flowise AI Embed API. Copy and paste the provided code into your HTML file to integrate the chatbot.

馃搨 To edit the website, open the project files in a folder and access the index.html file.

馃寪 Install the 'Live Server' extension in VS Code to run the website in the browser.

馃挰 To embed Flowise into the website, copy and paste a code snippet in the body tag of the HTML file.

00:11:54 Learn how to customize the appearance of chatbots on websites using Flowise AI's Embed API. Change button and bubble colors to match branding.

馃搵 The video discusses how to style a chatbot pop-up to match the branding of a business using the Embed API.

馃帹 The process involves changing the theme attributes, including the button background color, using code in VS Code.

馃寛 The video also explains how to choose colors from the Televent CSS website to customize the chat bubble color.

00:14:15 Learn how to add chatbots to websites using the Embed API. Customize the chat window appearance and change button and background colors.

馃搶 Change the color of the synth arrow and user message background in the chat window.

馃挕 The color values can be modified in the configuration file.

馃敡 Customize various aspects of the chat window, including icons and colors.

Summary of a video "Flowise AI Tutorial #7 - Adding Chatbots to Websites using Embed API" by Leon van Zyl on YouTube.

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