Immersive Virtual Course on Field - Module 11

This video discusses stratigraphic seals and the formation of sand dunes in the Neuquén Basin. It explores the geological history of the Mediterranean and the Pacific Ocean.

00:00:03 This video explores the topic of stratigraphic seals and introduces the concept of unconformities. It focuses on the contact between deltaic and offshore facies, highlighting the relative sea-level changes that affected the sedimentation patterns.

📚 The video discusses the concept of conformity and conformity discontinuities in stratigraphy.

🌊 There is a discussion on the rapid change in relative sea level and its impact on sedimentation.

🏞️ The video explores the formation of deltas and the occurrence of catastrophic flooding in the study area.

00:03:40 The video discusses the formation of sand dunes in the Neuquén Basin and their connection to the geological history of the Mediterranean and the Pacific Ocean.

📚 The video discusses the geological formations in the Neuquén Basin, including the presence of cross-stratified dunes and continental deposits.

🌊 It explains how the Mediterranean Sea desiccation theory, proposed by a famous Chinese scientist, explains the formation of the Neuquén Basin as a satellite basin isolated from the open sea.

⛰️ The video highlights the presence of eolian deposits in the basin, which were possibly located about 200 meters below sea level.

00:07:15 A video about the immersive virtual course on Field - Module 11. It discusses the catastrophic flooding that occurs in the Cuenca, causing a rapid rise in sea levels and connecting it to the ocean. It explores the deposits and formations found in the area.

🌊 The video discusses a catastrophic flooding event in the Cuenca region, causing a rapid rise in sea level and connecting it to the ocean.

⛰️ Instead of the expected deposition patterns, the flooded area contains fluvial and aeolian deposits with large dunes and offshore deposits above them.

🏞️ The video mentions the presence of a transgressive surface and its significance in the geological formation of the area.

00:10:49 A virtual immersive course about Module 11. The video discusses the formation of dunes and sedimentary layers in the Neuquén Basin, as well as the impact of volcanic activity. It also explores the stratigraphy and geology of the area.

📚 The video discusses the formation of dunes and sediment layers in the Neuquén Basin.

💧 The formation of reservoirs is explained through the percolation of water and the resulting salt deposits.

🌋 Vulcanism and the presence of islet bridges contribute to low permeability and the transformation of volcanic glass.

00:14:28 Virtual immersive field course - Module 11. Upper Troncoso member is a potential reservoir with sandstones while the lower Troncoso member acts as an effective seal. This reservoir surpasses Aviles member as the best conventional reservoir in the Neuquen Basin.

🔍 The upper part of the Agrio population has a sequence limit where lower Troncoso sandstones appear.

🌍 The Troncoso upper sandstones are 14-16 meters thick on the surface, but can reach up to 60 meters underground.

💎 The Troncoso superior sandstones have various minerals, including siltstone, potassium chloride, and gypsum.

⛽️ The Troncoso inferior sandstones are the best conventional reservoirs in the Neuquen Basin, particularly in the Pastor, Chiguido, and Lomitas areas.

⚓️ The Troncoso superior sandstones act as an effective seal for the reservoirs, making them highly productive.

00:18:06 Immersive virtual course on Field - Module 11. The formation and composition of the Rayoso and Neuquén groups are explained, focusing on the impermeable level and its impact on reservoirs.

The presence of a highly effective seal called Ferri Creta in the base of the Neuquén group prevents the formation of reservoirs in the Malargüe area.

🔍 There is a discordance between the Rayoso formation and the Neuquén group, and the second Rayoso formation overlaps the second Eva-political formation.

📚 There is a distinct diagenesis in the Neuquén group, and above it is a level of conglomerate cemented by iron.

00:21:42 An immersive online course on Campo - Module 11. It explores a unique level of foundation in the context of factory buildings and its importance in oil trapping.

Module 11 focuses on a unique and rare level with a particular foundation.

The level acts as a seal for the group above and is always above an important level with various soils.

There is a significant contact between the Ralloso formation and the Neuquén group, creating an entrapped oil reservoir.

Summary of a video "Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 11" by G.C.S Argentina on YouTube.

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