Breaking the Silence: Cori Bush on Abortion and Choice

Cori Bush opens up about her abortion experience and emphasizes the importance of choice and destigmatizing access to abortion care.

00:00:00 Cori Bush shares her personal experience of having an abortion, emphasizing that there is no shame in the decision. She also highlights the challenges she faced as a single mother and the support she received.

📌 Cori Bush shares her personal experience of having an abortion and the difficult circumstances surrounding it.

📌 She highlights the challenges she faced as a new mom taking care of a sick baby and recovering from major surgery.

📌 Cori Bush emphasizes that her decision to have an abortion was a deeply personal and difficult choice.

00:01:05 Cori Bush shares the personal story of her abortion, emphasizing the importance of preserving the right to choose for every pregnant person.

👶 The speaker shares her decision to have an abortion due to health risks and the support she received from her partner.

🏥 She highlights the importance of access to skilled and compassionate doctors who can perform abortions in states that protect reproductive rights.

🤰 The speaker emphasizes the significance of preserving the right to choose for every pregnant person.

00:02:11 A personal story by Cori Bush about her experience with abortion and the importance of destigmatizing access to abortion care.

⭐️ Cori Bush shares her personal experience of having a back-alley abortion in Mexico as a teenager.

🔍 Growing up in Texas with limited sex education, Cori felt confused and afraid when she missed her period at 16.

💔 In the 1960s, women and girls were given dangerous advice on how to deal with missed periods, leading to unsafe abortions.

00:03:16 Cori Bush shares personal experience of accessing abortion. Emphasizes the importance of safe access to healthcare for women.

👉 The speaker shares her personal experience with getting an abortion with the support of her mother.

🙏 She highlights the importance of having access to safe and compassionate abortion providers.

💔 She mentions the risk and harm caused by unsafe abortions, particularly to African-American women.

00:04:22 A woman shares a personal experience of a non-consensual encounter during a church trip, leading to a pregnancy and seeking assistance.

💔 The speaker shares a traumatic experience of sexual assault during a church trip.

😔 She expresses confusion, embarrassment, and shame after the incident.

🤰 A few weeks later, she discovers she is pregnant and reaches out to someone for help.

00:05:27 Cori Bush bravely shares her personal decision to have an abortion at 18, realizing she couldn't support a child on her own.

🔑 The speaker shares her personal experience of facing an unplanned pregnancy at 18 years old and feeling alone.

🚼 She discusses her decision to have an abortion and the challenges she faced as a young, financially unstable individual.

💔 The speaker expresses her fear of being rejected by her parents and shares her disappointment in not receiving support from the father of the child.

00:06:33 Cori Bush, a congresswoman, shares her personal experience of having an abortion and advocates for better legislation and support for black women and girls.

💔 Cori Bush shares her personal experience of having an abortion at 18 years old and asserts that black women and girls should not be ashamed of their decisions.

👭🏿 She highlights the need for society to prioritize love and justice for black women and girls who have abortions, and calls for better support and legislation.

✊🏽 Cori Bush testifies as a nurse, pastor, activist, survivor, single mom, and congresswoman to emphasize the importance of reproductive choice and share her own story of being raped and choosing to have an abortion in 1994.

Summary of a video "Cori Bush shares details of abortion at House hearing: 'We have nothing to be ashamed of'" by Washington Post on YouTube.

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