🗣️ There are three types of intelligence speaking: expertise, expression, and extemporaneous.
🧠 Speaking extemporaneously can unlock the full intellect one possesses.
💡 The three M's of mindset in speaking: Me, Message, and Mindset.
🗣️ The way we speak impacts how people listen to us.
💡 Being a messenger requires speaking from our beliefs and experiences.
🌟 Confident and effective communication can be achieved by disconnecting from seeking validation.
🔑 Creating a value prism helps ground our thoughts and shape our mindset before speaking.
🗝️ Reducing qualifiers allows for more authentic expression.
🧠 Many struggle to articulate their thoughts effectively.
❓ Asking specific questions can help channel thoughts into meaningful answers.
🔍 The key is to ask genuine questions to uncover defaults or desires.
🌳 Metaphors can be used to develop and enrich thoughts.
🖋️ Thought wrappers are creative expressions that introduce ideas in a smart fashion.
Thought rappers can be rehearsed casual expressions or calculated structures.
Thought rappers help introduce fresh and unordinary arrangements of words.
Post-speaking audit helps improve word retrieval and verbal weaknesses.
🗣️ Using the PSA method to improve speaking skills and language precision.
📚 Utilizing tools like a thesaurus and poems to enhance wording.
⏰ The process takes 3-5 minutes and helps bridge the gap between thoughts and spoken words.
💡 Intelligent speakers maintain forward momentum and deliver rich and vibrant speech.
🚂 Maintaining a train of thought and creating coherent sentences is crucial for intelligent speaking.
📚 Reading books aloud helps in developing ideas and using well-constructed sentences.
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