🗒️ Requirements are critical when developing software.
🔍 The terms 'requisitos' and 'requerimientos' are often used interchangeably, but the correct term should be 'requirements'.
🎓 The speaker, Sandra Hurtado, is an expert in software engineering and will discuss the importance of requirements.
📚 A requirement is a user's need to solve a real-world problem or achieve a goal.
💡 Obtaining requirements is challenging due to communication and expectation issues.
🔍 Identifying user or client desires requires effective communication and understanding.
Multiple techniques are needed to gather software requirements effectively.
Requirements are variable and evolve over time, making planning challenging.
Capturing and freezing requirements is almost impossible.
🔑 The discussion revolves around whether software requirements and architecture should be modified by non-experts or individuals with programming expertise.
💡 It is important for individuals involved in software development to possess a diverse range of skills, including technical knowledge, user communication, and negotiation abilities.
🤔 The concept of 'engineering requirements' is debated, with the opinion that it is more about approaching the work with engineering rather than strictly adhering to specific requirements.
📚 The concept of software requirements is similar to software engineering.
💡 Different techniques and approaches are used when developing software for oneself versus for a company.
🔍 Negotiation and prioritization are important in the process of defining requirements.
🔑 The preferred technique for requirements gathering is using paper, pencil, and a whiteboard for collaborative interaction.
💡 Basic tools like paper, pencil, and a whiteboard allow for easier interaction and flexibility in making changes.
📝 Both use cases and user stories are used for gathering requirements, depending on the project and the team's experience.
📚 Software requirements are important aspects of software engineering.
💻 Understanding software requirements is essential for programming.
📘 There is a book called 'Software' by Microsoft that provides a good overview of software requirements.
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