Decentralized School System and Education Expenditure in Germany

Germany's decentralized school system offers choices for students, with vocational training or university options. Low education expenditure compared to other countries.

00:00:00 Germany has a decentralized school system with 8.4 million students and 33,500 schools. After 4 years of primary school, students can choose between gymnasium or secondary school. After 6 years, they can pursue vocational training or continue to university.

🏫 Germany has around 8.4 million students and 33,500 schools, with the school system being regulated by the individual federal state ministers of education.

📚 The basic structure of the education system in Germany includes four years of elementary school, followed by a choice between attending a gymnasium or a secondary school for six years. After that, students can pursue vocational training through a dual system.

🎓 After eight years, students from the gymnasium can take the Abitur exam, which grants them the eligibility to study at a university.

00:01:03 Germany's education expenditure is relatively low compared to other countries, accounting for only 4.3% of its GDP. This puts Germany in the lower third among OECD countries.

📚 Germany's education spending is relatively low compared to other countries, only accounting for 4.3% of its GDP.

🌍 In comparison, Portugal spends 5.8% and Norway spends 6.1% of their GDP on education.

📊 Germany ranks in the lower third among OECD countries in terms of education spending.

Summary of a video "Fakten: Schule in Deutschland | DW Deutsch" by DW Deutsch on YouTube.

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